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Our commitment to the planet

If you care about our planet, our environment and our wildlife, you'll be pleased to hear we have been an environmentally friendly business since 2007. 

Foggy Forest

Our Mission


We are committed to continually reviewing and assessing what we do and who we work with - to ensure our impact on the environment is minimal.

Our Actions


We are partnered with the UK government SME Climate Hub and work with them to help reverse the deterioration of the environment. We also help fund Ecologi, an organisation dedicated to funding a variety of global climate projects.

Green Landscape

Our Green Commitment

We commit:

  • Wherever possible to reduce our use of physical resources by;

    • engaging in digital meetings to reduce travel

    • continue to operate as a paperless digital business environment

  • To continually review and reduce our carbon footprint

  • To permit and promote employees to work from home to help reduce carbon emissions emitted by travel

  • To use recyclable print cartridges

  • To only send paper copies of insurance documents where digital versions are not easily accessible to policyholders

  • Where paper copies are unavoidable, we will use 100% recycled paper

  • Never to use single-use plastics

  • To continue to maintain 100% of our business records and documents in digital format

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